Thank you for Registering!
Mali Dance Online w/ Mariam!
Mon., June 8th @ 5:30PM, Pacific // 8:30PM Eastern
Step 1: Check your email
In about 10-15 minutes, you'll receive a confirmation to your email address so you can stay on top of it. You'll get the conference details to your email before the class.
Please take a second to whitelist “” after you get this confirmation email. We have to use automation software to stay on top of these emails. We've had instances of these confirmation emails going to spam inadvertently. If you use gmail, just drag the email into your priority box. If you don't use GMAIL, follow these instructions: "How to Whitelist an Email."
Step 2: Donate to Mariam
Please make a donation either by Squarespace or Paypal. We suggest a sliding scale 0-$30. If you need, we can also provide a Venmo account. Just hit me (Erich) up at
Donate w/ Paypal
Step 3: Get Psyched
By the time this class is over, you’re gonna feel like a little kid all over again. 😉
Oh yea, and if you want to feel even better, check out Mariam sing w/ Orchestra Gold. Psychedelic Rock from Mali 🔥: